Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, And attend to your herds; For riches are not forever, Nor does a crown endure to all generations. When the hay is removed, and the tender grass shows itself, and the herds of the mountains are gathered in, The lambs will provide your clothing, And the goats the price of a field; You shall have enough goat's milk for your food, For the food of your household, And the nourishment of your maidservants. Prov. 27:23-27

Monday, February 25, 2008

Goat pictures and stuff :)

We now have more than 40 little kiddies! Some times, if it's tooo cold for the new borns in the shop barn, we take them in the house for the first night. They sleep in baskets on the floor.The nubers on the tag represent the number of bottle feedings it's had.My cousin Aaron thought they were pretty cute :) Below is Andrew, playing swatt (the animal game) with the Young People when they were over last week.

The back pond has frozen again, much to our delight!

Benji is licking off the mixer beater for me :)
That's all for now...Enjoy the pictures everybody!


Anonymous said...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaah Karen!!!!

Great post!

Anonymous said...

That is sooooo cute:)
I wish I could see them!

Anonymous said...

You get better at taking pics all the time! Wow, great post!

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